CityU Walk Contest 2019

Theme: Walk Together for Wellness


  1. Download and install “CityU Walk” in your mobile phone from Google Play or App Store.
  2. Must sure your department code is up-to-date.
  3. Keep turning on the App so that your steps record can be uploaded to the official website.
  4. If you form a team, you are not allowed to change partner during the period of the contest.
  5. Steps will be counted from 1 March 00:00am to 31 March 11:59pm.
  6. Official results will be announced on 1 April.
  7. The Wellness For All Organizing Committee reserves the rights to make the final decision in case of any disputes.

Awards & Incentives:


  • Leg Warmer and Arm Warmer
CityU Walk 2019 Souvenir - Leg Warmer and Arm Warmer


Ms. Clara Wong at 3442 7291 or

Please click here for FAQ.

Last Update: 2019/02/14